Thanksgiving Round Up

The season of feasting will soon be upon us! As we get ready for holiday entertaining, we wanted to share some of our favorite seasonal desserts and sides with you.
It’s a holiday week, and we’re eating hotdogs. To be honest, hotdogs have long been a favorite of mine, and our freezer is stockpiled, prepper-style, in case of a global shortage. We got sick of the soggy, too large buns and obvious condiments, and for this grilling season we’ve gotten creative and kicked out the bun, brought on the tortilla, and seriously ramped up the flavors for gourmet Loaded Hotdogs. We wanted to share our favorite flavor combination; where ketchup and mustard are supplanted by tart homemade quick pickled red onions, tangy guacamole, creamy queso fresco cheese, and if you are feeling decadent, crispy bacon.
Thanks for following along with our new adventures! We recently moved from Pittsburgh to Haiti where we are starting a 5 year volunteer assignment with a non-profit relief and development organization. We will be in transition for the next few months as we complete our in-country orientation, language study, spend time living with host families in both the countryside and capital... and lest we forget, have our first baby somewhere in there as well! Please bear with us as we will not have ready access to internet or a kitchen throughout this time. We will continue to share new recipes that we've prepared in advance, and updates on our new life in Haiti as often as we are able.
In anticipation of the dessert making and eating season, we've put together a collection of both Paul and Rebecca approved desserts. You will find some very quick and easy slam-dunks among the group, and a few of Paul's more complicated creations, that are honestly worth the time investment.
The season of feasting will soon be upon us! As we get ready for holiday entertaining, we wanted to share some of our favorite seasonal recipes with you.